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Phoenix Platform

Our Phoenix Platform embodies several fibers or components which make custom software development faster at the same time, increasing quality.

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Phoenix Solution Fabric

Weaving together the component fibers of successful, best-in-class processes and solutions, averting shipwrecks and beating the statistics. It is true that only 29% of 50,000 software projects were considered successful, according to the Standish 2015 Chaos Report. While this is disheartening, it doesn’t have to be this way. Studies have identified common elements present in most successes.

Most success factors are intrinsic to the software vendor or IT department. The largest contributors to success are: emotional maturity and skill of the team; standard and consistent architecture, patterns and methodologies; and lean processes and execution. A final significant factor is the team’s proficiency of Agile software management, which holistically incorporates the success factors the stakeholder is responsible for as well.

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Phoenix Platform - Custom Software Development
Custom Software Development - Luce Enterprise

Success Factors

The Luce Enterprise Solution Fabric fully embraces the factors that lead to successful projects, which is why we have had a perfect score since 1999! It is also not coincidental that our average experience level is 15+ years with many having worked alongside each other for 10+, generating incredible synergy and excellence.

It is also why we developed the Phoenix Platform, Base Application and Template component fibers: a robust and comprehensive platform, generator, base web system, and set of templates to project a consistent but adaptive, scalable, patterns-based architecture on every software system delivered.

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Agile project management

It is why our native language is “agile” — agile in every aspect, even down to our office. Our Phoenix Process fiber wraps our two cornerstones (people and platform) with a seasoned agile SDLC for rapid-development delivery, minimizing the negative impacts of change. There is certainly one lesson this much experience has taught us, and that is the only constant is change itself — true with project charters as well as technology.

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Agile Software Development - Custom Software Development

Phoenix is built with security first

Security commands its rightful priority with every custom solution we deliver. Our products have security architected in from the foundation to the roof, with Phoenix.

Current events remind us that there is nothing more important to your business than its security. Most often, security is addressed as an afterthought in the software architecture and design, making holes inevitable, leaving false security.

Ask us about our numerous security implementation policies, levels of Defense-in-Depth and different controls employed in the fibers of the Phoenix fabric. This package is enveloped by a holistic company mindset of Security First.

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The reality of security

As a community, hackers have innumerably more time and resources than most software providers; at least more than allocated. This is partly due to ignorance or project budget/time constraints. The other is businesses rightfully have many focuses and hackers have only one.

So security must be given the respect due. A sufficiently motivated hacker can almost always eventually breach a web system, if they are persistent enough. But this doesn’t mean we give up. It means we play their game and beat them at it.

The trick

The counter-attack is to wear them out with Defence-in-Depth, which can only be possible if your entire system architecture and protocol have been designed around this primary purpose, including a sober appreciation of the threat.

Hackers are like predators, preying on easy victims. Luce Enterprise’ solutions are anything but easy targets. With an elastic defence strategy, coupled with the strongest methods at each layer, our castles remain flying their colours.

Security detection

A secondary benefit to the castling approach is, it also buys precious time — time to detect and retaliate. As the hacker is significantly slowed (if not stopped) from passing each defence, it leaves a trail with time to trace, respond and defend.

Phoenix Platform performance tool kit

Custom Software Development - Ultimate Challenge

Ultimate Challenge

The Holy Grail of software philosophy is solving the conundrum left by two competing primary directives: 1) rapid and affordable development and 2) robust and super secure solutions that scale with the business. We have accepted this challenge in Phoenix and are at full tilt!

Custom Software Development - Design Patterns

Design patterns

Each product reflects over 30 tried-and-true design patterns and best patterns/practices, each faithfully and consistently employed. Many routines exist to enforce these disciplines. Cutting corners is for sculpting, not building reliable systems.

Custom Software Development - Phoenix Platform

Phoenix Platform

The core patterns-based architecture platform. It cements the various horizontal framework concerns into a seamless interaction. Included is entity-model tooling and configuration where we model a custom system. This, coupled with tailor-able templates, is then used by the generator to project the system.

Custom Software Development - Phoenix Base System

Phoenix base system

In addition to the Platform, specific templates and base systems exist (built on the Platform), such as a portal base. This further expedites development. Among other bases, we have a comprehensive portal base system, chock full of key out-of-the-box portal features, such as SSO, user and menu config, etc.

Custom Software Development - Quality & Maintenance

Quality & maintenance

With Phoenix’s common core and system generator, bugs are drastically reduced while also increasing ease of supportability and maintenance since each solution has an identical structure and convention. Plus, because the platform is patterns-based, the client can support and enhance the solution.

Custom Software Development - Extream Value

Extreme value

As a plus, our solutions generally cost significantly less than a comparable system. Many of our clients need solutions tailored to the exact bend of their business. Off-the-shelf options end up being a square peg in a round hole, if not failing completely. Our clients often wish we were their first call.

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